23 Cute Handbags That Will Get You So Many Compliments

Being a fashion editor in a non-fashion city (Raleigh, North Carolina, to be exact) is an interesting thing that gives me somewhat of a unique perspective. I know that most people don’t care about the niche brands and trends I sometimes wear, but that’s fine with me. That said, there is something I do get my fair share of comments on when I’m out and about, and it always makes me happy because it’s one of my favorite fashion items: handbags

Whether I’m at restaurants, getting my nails done, or in line at stores, I always get compliments on my bags. I tend to go for bags that stand out, and I carry them even when I’m dressed very casually. I find that a cool handbag makes any and every outfit feel special, so I’m always on the hunt for new and exciting ones. Below, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite ones at the moment, all of which will lead to lots of compliments for their owner.

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