The 8 Best Places to Buy Swimsuits (and Why)

Whether it’s a summer trip in the works, poolside weekend activities, or a not-so-distant plan to lie out in the park this weekend (especially now that we finally have a few precious slivers of sun in NYC), it seems safe to say that everyone has at least one reason to shop for swimsuits. This is also evidenced by our many swimwear-related posts as of late, including everything from the biggest swim trends of the season to the Amazon finds you don’t want to miss to even the under-$100 suits you need to have on your radar. So what’s next?

Well, as a senior market editor, my specialty is straight-up shopping. And while I’ve already confessed that I don’t enjoy wearing swimsuits but love buying them, today I thought I’d continue to help the cause by sharing the places I think are the best to shop for them and why. After all, the experience of finding bathing suits isn’t always the easiest or most pleasant, so why not try to make it a little better? From the site with the best trends to where to go for classics and everything in between, continue on to read about the eight sites I love for swimwear and to shop my picks from each.

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