The 7 Best Summer Hair Colors, Hands Down

If this time every year you get an uncontrollable urge to completely switch up your hair color, you’re not alone. With the end of summer approaching rapidly, embracing a change in shade is a natural yearning—especially if, like me, you’ve spent almost the entirety of lockdown mood-boarding hair inspiration on Pinterest. However, while summer tends to be the time that most of us start thinking about a change of hair color, the beaming sun can actually put our color and hair health at risk. If you’re planning to sit in the sunshine, Nikita Fisher, co-owner of Palmer Fisher London, has a brilliant piece of advice for protecting your hair (other than with a hat). “My top tip is to put conditioner in your hair whilst you are sunbathing just like you would put sunscreen on your skin to protect it,” she says.

I’ll admit the urge to embrace a new summer hair color has totally overtaken me, and I’ve booked my personal color revamp for early next month. So in my quest to find out the hottest summer hues, I quizzed some of the top colorists across the pond for their takes on the best summer hair colors. Keep scrolling to discover their most-requested hair shades of the summer so far and the products that you need to maintain your salon finish.

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