When you think of truly iconic bags, the brands that are likely to come to mind first are ones like Chanel, Hermès, and Gucci. Typically, Cristóbal Balenciaga’s namesake fashion house isn’t at the top of the list. But while the classic handbag brands are certainly among our favorites, it’s Balenciaga that’s responsible for most of this year’s buzziest accessories, from the Y2K-favorite Le Cagole to Kim Kardashian’s go-to Hourglass.
To celebrate Balenciaga’s subtle dominance in the bag department, I called on luxury-resale site Rebag to help me take a few of the brand’s best styles, from former creative director Nicolas Ghesquière’s City bag to Demna Gvasalia’s Hourglass, out for a spin IRL. See what Balenciaga’s top bags look like in the wild and shop the brand’s standout styles below.