What are the best aspects of showing at Copenhagen Fashion Week?
“I think Copenhagen Fashion Week has become very popular due to the quality of Danish brands. It is moreover also where Scandi brands gather to present their collections which makes it the most interesting fashion week in Northern Europe. Moreover, the increasing focus and demands on sustainability has gotten a lot of positive attention whether it is in use of material or diversity in model casting. I always feel like Copenhagen has this very special buzz during Fashion Week, busy yet relaxed and good-spirited.”
Who is your target Gestuz customer?
“For me, it is less about a certain target group or an age. For me, it is about an attitude and how you personalize our styles to fit you. I love to see different people in Gestuz and whether they are 17 or 57 doesn’t matter. My goal is to create clothes that people feel empowered in and can wear for many seasons. For example, I am in total awe of all the street style I have seen of people wearing Gestuz during Copenhagen Fashion Week.”
What do you think makes Scandi style distinct?
“There is effortless ease and sophistication that embodies the Scandinavian aesthetic. It is that flair of not having spent a lot of time on your look or your home when in fact you actually have (the Scandi secret). The style is rather calm and clean, but I feel like we have gotten more daring in our interior and fashion in the aftermath of the pandemic and the general movement of the fashion industry. Overall, I believe it has to do with good quality in materials both in fashion and interior. And then the quirky additions make it more personal.”