Father’s Day Gift Guide 2021: 34 Things He’ll Actually Love

Is it just me, or is Father’s Day the hardest holiday to shop for? While my mom always has something to say about things she wants or needs, it’s not the same story for my dad. Even my friends’ husbands’ are new dads and are often quiet about what’s on their supposed wish lists. If you’re in the same boat with your own dad, honorary father figure, or partner, then you’ll be happy to hear I did the research to find 34 perfect gifts for all types of dads, from the facialcare-obsessed one to the sneakerhead.

Whether he is all for a little luxury love or is someone who probably wouldn’t want you to spend over $100 on him, there’s an option in this mix. The holiday is fast approaching, so scroll down for the ultimate Father’s Day shopping guide. 

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