343 Best-Selling Beauty Products at Nordstrom Right Now

I don’t know what this says about me, but sometimes when I’m bored I hop onto the websites of my favorite beauty retailers to see which products are getting the most love and attention. I’ve been on a Nordstrom beauty kick recently, so I went ahead and spent the better part of an entire day discerning which beauty products in every category seem to be the most popular, raking in epically high reviews.

Of course, there are plenty of products that have a perfect five-star rating but only one review, so I decided that to make my list A) the product had to have at least 100 reviews and B) there couldn’t be any sponsored product which are sometimes planted higher up on the page, therefore skewing the actual results. Below, 34 highly-rated beauty products I’m super hyped about right now that are also resonating amongst Nordstrom shoppers. Keep scrolling!

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