10 Going-Out Trends We’re Getting Ready to Wear

You may recognize Janet Gunn and Melissa Meyers as the duo who frequents Who What Wear to lend their style expertise. You might also be familiar with Susan Feldman as a regular voice on the site. While they each typically focus on sharing their own distinct perspectives, the Los Angeles–based trio has teamed up today for what we can only describe as one epic collaboration. The topic of conversation? The going-out fashion trends that are actually resonating for this new era of reemerging into the world.

All three women are excited to embrace elevated dressing again and have their eyes on several key trends to ease back into a going-out wardrobe. The 10 themes below touch on the season’s freshest silhouettes, but true to form, each has styled them in a timeless, elevated way. Reemerging into the world will, no doubt, look and feel different for everyone, but for Gunn, Meyers, and Feldman, these key pieces certainly feel the most relevant.

To find out the trends in question and to see how each styles their favorites, just keep scrolling.

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